CATE CHANG, attorney
Cate is licensed to practice law in California and New York, and resides in Northern California. After nearly a decade of practice as a corporate tax lawyer advising clients on the tax considerations of mergers and internal restructurings, Cate Chang redirected her legal training and years of experience to working with and advising nonprofit organizations.
Before joining Mill Law Center, Cate was an associate at Adler & Colvin, where she had the opportunity to support a wide variety of established organizations, advocacy groups, and startup charities and foundations that are committed to leading the way in progressive philanthropy. Prior to that, Cate was a Volunteer Attorney in the Immigration Program at Community Legal Services in East Palo Alto.
Cate is a graduate of Columbia Law School. Her corporate tax experience began at a large New York law firm and includes a stint at a Silicon Valley Fortune 500 corporation.
When given the choice, Cate will always choose biking or walking over driving, and she loves camping with friends and family.