Presentation (w/ Video): Charitable Donations of Cryptocurrency

As the churn of work has picked up as we move into 2022, our ability to put out as many educational resources as we’d like has slowed a bit unfortunately. I look forward to turning that around soon.

I do want to share, however, a presentation on Charitable Donations of Cryptocurrency I recently did with Alan Gassman of Gassman, Crotty & Denicolo, a great estate planning firm out of Florida that puts on a tremendous series of webinars I recommend that estate planners and other attorneys check out.

In addition to the powerpoint, I’m also embedding the video (or at least I assume it’s all the video of me talking — once I hear the sound of my own voice, I have to turn it off).

As you’ll pick up from the presentation, I may not be a crypto-evangelist myself, but there are undoubtedly planning opportunities that are being underutilized and aspects of cryptocurrency donation that are misunderstood by many. So worth a read/watch hopefully. (And if you like the format of this and are an estate planner or CPA, I’d encourage you to browse Alan’s video channel).


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